
About Waterstones

Waterstones, formerly Waterstone’s, is a British book retailer that operates 283 shops, mainly in the United Kingdom and also other nearby countries. The company was founded in 1982 under the founder Tom Waterstone. Over the decade Waterstone has become an icon of the British cultural landscape employing over 3000 superb booksellers across over 280 bookshops..


‘Europe was created by history.’ Margaret ThatcherWhat is Europe? Firstly, of course, it is a continent made up of countless disparate peoples, races and nations, and governed by different ideas, philosophies, religions and attitudes. Nonetheless, it has a common thread of history running through it; welded together by the continent’s great institutions, such as the Church of Rome, the Holy Roman Empire, the European Union.Europe, however, is also an idea. From almost the beginning of time, people have harboured aspirations to make this vast territory one. The Romans came close and a few centuries later, the foundations for a great European state were laid with the creation of the Holy Roman Empire. Napoleon overreached himself in attempting to create a European-wide Empire – as did Adolf Hitler. The European Union is a club of which everyone in Europe wants to be a member; although, as the rejection of the European Constitution by the French and the Dutch, and the British situation demonstrates, we Europeans still cling to our national independence.

About Waterstones

Waterstones, formerly Waterstone’s, is a British book retailer that operates 283 shops, mainly in the United Kingdom and also other nearby countries. The company was founded in 1982 under the founder Tom Waterstone. Over the decade Waterstone has become an icon of the British cultural landscape employing over 3000 superb booksellers across over 280 bookshops..