Pre-Owned : Start Selling Your Wardrobe

1. List it for sale
Take a few photos against a plain white backdrop , list it on our platform for sale. We will advise on the price inclusive of the certification fee.

2. Ship it to us
Once you get an order,  you ship it to us we will provide a prepaid label – fast and easy. We will then work with our partners to authenticate your item.

3. Get paid
Once we have received a  valid certification we will ship your item to the customer and release your sale proceeds. We do not charge selling fees. We keep your proceeds in a legal escrow account and you get paid fast when the item is authenticated and confirmed as received by the customer.

*The customer pays the certification fee.

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As part of our commitment to playing our part to transforming the fashion industry, we ensure that a percentage of the items listed on our platform are sustainable, consciously made or Pre-owned.

We also endeavour to contribute to reaching Carbon Net Zero goals by working directly with our retail partners. We do not stock items instead all items are shipped directly from the premises of our partners. Thereby, reducing the dual compounding impact of fossil fuel usage via transport and logistics, as well as energy consumption for storage.

As always, we encourage everyone who consumes fashion items to play their part by shopping consciously, and we encourage you to reuse, repair or recycle items, so they don’t end up in landfill.

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