Prestige Flowers


Prestige Flowers is a British internet retailer that specialises in the sale and delivery of fresh and silk floral bouquets.


This vibrant gift is perfect for celebrating Father’s Day. It features a yellow rose plant in a metal pot adorned with a decorative ribbon. To complete the gift, we’ve included delicious lemon jelly sweets and biscuits. Spoil your special dad today with this memorable present, and you can be sure it will bring a smile to his face this summer season! This gift includes: Yellow Rose Plant Lemon Crisp Butterfly Biscuits 75g Lemon Jellies Decorative Metal Pot Suitable for Vegetarians and Gluten Free


Prestige Flowers

Prestige Flowers We are an online flower delivery service based in the UK that pride themselves on customer satisfaction and the ability to deliver flowers to every corner of the UK. Discover more lifestyle brands at Modafirma online


Prestige Flowers is a British internet retailer that specialises in the sale and delivery of fresh and silk floral bouquets.