Prestige Flowers


Prestige Flowers is a British internet retailer that specialises in the sale and delivery of fresh and silk floral bouquets.


Behold our exquisite June bouquet, a captivating creation that combines a harmonious blend of vibrant blooms and delicate accents! This bouquet showcases a beautiful bounty of premium flowers, including fragrant stocks and graceful germini kimsey. Complemented by belle roses’ elegance and gypsophila’s airy allure, this limited-edition arrangement embodies floral artistry! To enhance its enchantment, we have added the perfect majestic flourish of regal calla tulips, ensuring this gift will create cherished captivating memories for your lucky recipient and truly charm them! This beautiful bouquet comes with a delicious afternoon tea postal box. Perfect for any occasion this gift includes artisan Valley Bakery loaf cakes, delicious jams and tasty biscuits accompanied with the finest tea blend, perfect for your lucky recipient to relax and enjoy!


Prestige Flowers

Prestige Flowers We are an online flower delivery service based in the UK that pride themselves on customer satisfaction and the ability to deliver flowers to every corner of the UK. Discover more lifestyle brands at Modafirma online


Prestige Flowers is a British internet retailer that specialises in the sale and delivery of fresh and silk floral bouquets.