Valentine's Luxury 24 Roses - Valentine's Flowers - Valentine's Day Flowers - Valentine's Roses - Red Roses - Red Roses Bouquet

Valentine’s Luxury 24 Roses – Valentine’s Flowers – Valentine’s Day Flowers – Valentine’s Roses – Red Roses – Red Roses Bouquet


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Designer : Modafirma Product ID: 3439700569214939


This selection of 24 Red Roses will certainly impress your loved one. To make this bouquet even more impressive, we have added luxurious copper ruscus and a selection of greenery including bear grass. The contrasting colours and textures of this bouquet guarantee the wow factor when they turn up on their doorstep. Spoil them with these beautiful roses to show them just how much they mean to you and make Valentine’s Day extraordinary. This sturdy long lasting Rhodos rose comes with an average head size of 5cm. Available for UK next day delivery.


Prestige Flowers

Prestige Flowers We are an online flower delivery service based in the UK that pride themselves on customer satisfaction and the ability to deliver flowers to every corner of the UK. Discover more lifestyle brands at Modafirma online