
About Waterstones

Waterstones, formerly Waterstone’s, is a British book retailer that operates 283 shops, mainly in the United Kingdom and also other nearby countries. The company was founded in 1982 under the founder Tom Waterstone. Over the decade Waterstone has become an icon of the British cultural landscape employing over 3000 superb booksellers across over 280 bookshops..


‘This book offers a daily source of inspiration, to help guide you through the exciting, yet sometimes overwhelming, first year of your baby’s life. By giving you facts, advice and tips that are specific to your little one’s stage of development, I hope it encourages you to have the confidence to enjoy lots of special moments together.’ Nanny LouennaComplete with tips for daily care, from changing a nappy to how to hold, feed and swaddle your baby, qualified Norland Nanny and maternity nurse Louenna Hood also provides five important routines for you to follow at different stages of your baby’s first year, ensuring that they are happy and that you all get enough sleep. Easy to navigate, with one page per day for the first year of your baby’s life, this book is the perfect go-to guide and support to help you navigate the unexpected joys of this most important journey. The book also features sections detailing topics such as breastfeeding, tiredness and night feeds, sleep cycles and mindfulness, complete with QR codes pointing to online videos. Including the following indispensable information:Baby Fact – learn what’s happening to your baby today – movements, sounds and physical developments to look out for.Food for Thought – from feeding mama to tasty weaning ideas for baby.Activities – small but high-five-worthy suggestions to keep life on track, anything from going for a walk around the block to making a meal, meeting a friend, putting a wash on or finishing a cup of tea while it’s still hot!Date for the Diary – from newborn cuddles to knowing when and how to start introducing all-important tummy time into your baby’s daily routine, learn activities to bond with your baby plus important milestones such as immunisations and midwife visits.Mindfulness – simple ideas to help you take a moment for yourself each day.

About Waterstones

Waterstones, formerly Waterstone’s, is a British book retailer that operates 283 shops, mainly in the United Kingdom and also other nearby countries. The company was founded in 1982 under the founder Tom Waterstone. Over the decade Waterstone has become an icon of the British cultural landscape employing over 3000 superb booksellers across over 280 bookshops..