old money

Old money 

The old money fashion aesthetic, also known as preppy or classic style, is characterised by timeless, conservative, and understated clothing choices that reflect a sense of tradition, heritage, and refinement. This style is often associated with individuals and families who have a long history of wealth and social status. Here are some key elements of the old money fashion aesthetic:

  1. Classic Wardrobe Staples: Old money fashion relies heavily on classic wardrobe staples, including well-tailored blazers, button-down shirts, chinos, khakis, pleated skirts, and shift dresses. These pieces are typically in neutral colours such as navy, beige, white, and pastels.
  2. Quality Over Quantity: Old money style priorities quality over quantity. Clothing is often made from high-quality materials like wool, cashmere, silk, and cotton. Attention to craftsmanship and durability is important.
  3. Timeless Patterns: Traditional patterns such as stripes, plaids, checks, and houndstooth are common in old money fashion. These patterns are used in clothing items like blazers, skirts, and ties.
  4. Conservative Accessories: Accessories tend to be classic and conservative. This includes pearl necklaces, leather belts, loafers, brogues, and understated watches. Jewellery is usually simple and not overly flashy.
  5. Neutral Colour Palette: The colour palette is generally subdued, with a focus on neutrals like navy, gray, beige, and white. Bright or flashy colours are typically avoided.
  6. Minimalistic Makeup: Makeup is kept natural and minimal, with a focus on enhancing one’s features rather than making bold statements. Nail polish tends to be neutral or pale shades.
  7. Hairstyles: Hair is often styled in a neat and polished manner. For men, this might mean a classic short haircut, while women may opt for elegant updos or simple, well-maintained hairstyles.
  8. Outerwear: Trench coats, peacoats, and other classic outerwear pieces are favoured for their functionality and timeless appeal.

Remember that old money fashion is not about being flashy or following the latest trends. It’s about projecting a sense of timeless sophistication and understated luxury. However, individual interpretations of this style can vary, and not all old money individuals adhere to these principles in the same way. Fashion is a personal expression, and some may choose to blend elements of old money style with more modern influences to create their own unique look.


OLD MONEY AESTHETIC STYLE Polo Ralph Lauren https://www.ralphlauren.co.uk/en/cable-knit-wool-cashmere-polo-shirt-655017.html Cable-Knit Wool-Cashmere Polo Shirt Save to Wishlist £349.00
Polo Ralph Lauren l Cable-Knit Wool-Cashmere Polo Shirt £349.00
Justine Burnished Leather Riding Boot £269.00
RALPH LAUREN Justine Burnished Leather Riding Boot £269.00
OLD MONEY HARRODS MAJE Tweed Cropped Blazer £339
HARRODS MAJE Tweed Cropped Blazer £339
Polo Ralph Lauren https://www.ralphlauren.co.uk/en/cropped-slim-fit-twill-chino-trouser-638571.html Cropped Slim Fit Twill Chino Trouser Save to Wishlist £189.00
Polo Ralph Lauren Cropped Slim Fit Twill Chino Trouser £189.00
OLD OMNEY STYLE AESTHETIC Polo Ralph Lauren https://www.ralphlauren.co.uk/en/classic-fit-oxford-shirt-638591.html Classic Fit Oxford Shirt Save to Wishlist £139.00
Polo Ralph Lauren | Classic Fit Oxford Shirt £139.00
RALPH LAUREN Knit Double-Breasted Blazer £349.00
RALPH LAUREN Knit Double-Breasted Blazer £349.00
Ferrari cropped chino trousers £590 -50% £295
Ferrari cropped chino trousers £590 -50% £295
Polo Ralph Lauren https://www.ralphlauren.co.uk/en/herringbone-tweed-jacket-649237.html Herringbone Tweed Jacket Save to Wishlist £649.00
Polo Ralph Lauren Herringbone Tweed Jacket £649.00

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Author: Hamidah Rahman


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