women wellness trends

Wellness and Health

Discover the 7 growing trends of women’s wellness trends in 2022.


Unhealthy diet culture is still very prominent in the UK, shown by the UK government’s decisions to show calories on menu’s in England. This has made people to jump into intuitive eating.

Intuitive eating is a restriction-free alternative to dieting, it is an approach that is over 15 years old. Intuitive eating is all about how the body feels and needs and is linked to nutritional sets such as hunger and satiety,  rather than relying on data like calorie figures.

Research has shown there to be a positive result in this way of eating. A  2022 study by Northeastern University and a late 2021 review from Deakin University positively linked intuitive eating with more positive psychological benefits like increased positive body image, self-esteem and wellbeing when compared with traditional diets.


For the gym heads and fitness freaks protien has always been a holy grail. But for the average person protien is not often seen significant., carbs demonised and fiber the ‘cure’ for all whilst protein has often been overlooked.

However like with most thing, there should be a balance. Too much of anything will be unhealthy. Psychotherapist and nutritionist at The Food Therapy Clinic Uxshely Carcamo, warns that although “our body does need protein in sufficient quantities, the amount we need is often overestimated by many.”


Form Performance Protein Chocolate Peanut 520g £26.00
Form Performance | Protein Chocolate Peanut 520g | £26.00


The desire for low, or no-alcohol drink is certainly here to stay with the rapid growth of health and wellness being the key driver of this change especially after the pandemic there has been a shift in habits. Which can be surprising as there was an increase in casual drinking during the pandemic. Daniella Schoeman, master distiller of alcohol-free spirit Mahala Botanical explains that “From what we’ve seen, this was further exacerbated by the pandemic, with a growing awareness and accountability for own personal health and wellness.”

Master distiller Daniella. predicts this will be  growing trend  “While such drinks are well established in the retail environment, we’re now seeing growth in bars and restaurants too. Attitudes have changed and it is far more socially acceptable to abstain from drinking alcohol than it was before – and, with so many more having now experienced no-and-low alcohol options, consumers are more familiar with the brands and less hesitant to now ask for one,” she says.

Freestar Alcohol Free Beer (bottle) 330ml £2.69
Freestar Alcohol Free Beer (bottle) 330ml | £2.69


According to luxury CBD brand OTO research, a staggering 86% of us experience insomnia, and over half of us would call ourselves ‘bad sleepers’

“When it comes to sleep, creating a good environment is the foundation for all positive sleep patterns,…Both a drop in heart rate and core temperature are key to getting quality shut-eye, and setting the right environment plays a pivotal role in preparing your body to feel safe and secure before drifting off.” explains sleep expert James Wilson. 

With that in mind, its no wonder why many brands have introduced magnesium-based products as as just one of the benefits of magnesium is its ability to help us drift off

WELLNESS Together Health OceanPureT Night Time Magnesium Complex 60 caps £12.99
Together Health OceanPureT Night Time Magnesium Complex 60 caps | £12.99


Coffee trends tend to come and go like many others, from lattes and cappuccinos and flat whites becoming a popular choice. However, from the recent London Coffee Festival there was a certain coffee that became popular with the crowd..

“Medicinal mushrooms are mushrooms with therapeutic properties that have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, though not the psychedelic kind,” explains Clarissa Berry, nutritionist for DIRTEA(opens in new tab). “Mushrooms like Chaga, Reishi, Lion’s Mane, and Cordyceps are packed with beneficial molecules that help increase resilience to stress, offer antioxidant protection, enhance energy levels, regulate mood, sharpen focus, and much more.”

The mushroom coffee blend is grinded mushrooms and coffee beans together to create a nutty and rich flavour, perfect for those with a strong palette. Whilst it may not be everyone’s taste, it can be a great drink to have when you have those stressful days and you need something to wind down with. Mushroom coffee, or even pure mushroom powders like Cordyceps, provide a natural, balanced energy boost without jitters and with a whole lot of other health benefits,” Clarissa says.

WOMEN WELLNESS Hybrid Herbs Mushroom Coffee 70g £15.99
Hybrid Herbs Mushroom Coffee 70g | £15.99


Different from high-intensity workouts (HIT), LISS is cardio-based exercise where you do an activity at a low-to-moderate intensity for a continuous, and often longer, period of time.  This often includes running, cycling, swimming and walking.

As well as avoiding the risks of injury that come with high-intensity training new studies from CHA University have shown that low-intensity exercise is equally as effective as HIT workouts.

Another reason why LISS has hit big on the wellness trends of 2022 is that we can do it with family and friends—unlike exercise in recent years. Meeting up with friends or family outdoors to enjoy a walk or jog is always a great idea.


There have been growing trends for skincare and haircare products “Yet there’s one very important part, arguably the most important part of the female anatomy which has been left behind in this conversation,” Katy, founder of Luna Daily, suggests. “The vulva.”

A recent YouGov survey found that half of Brits can’t pinpoint their vagina and Luna Daily’s own research found that among 1000 women of all ages, 80% could not accurately name their vulva, with one in three washing inside their vagina⁠—leading to serious gynae issues.

“What’s worse is one in three women are also missing their cervical smears out of embarrassment,” Katy says, highlighting the need for shame around caring for intimate areas to end.

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Author: Hamidah Rahman


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